Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Next chapter: Moved to town...3 years in

We closed on a little house in Beaverton on March 13, 2013...and it's been a rush of gardening plans and planting, hardscaping, etc over these last three years. We have Mill Creek bordering the back yard, no side yards to speak of (although I have plans for my increasing amount of garden 'stuff' and possibly a permanent potting bench on the lesser used side), and a front yard with two old camellias one about gone when we moved in (amazing what regular water and a little help can do), a dying green Japanese maple (which with regular water has proven also to be more resilient than expected), a lovely old quince and a few Yucca Glauca in the corner by the driveway. We had solar panels installed that fall also, limiting any large tree planting in the front south facing yard.